FeatureJune 26, 2024
Bollinger County Recycling Center seeks additional worker to handle increased workload. Volunteerism remains strong, but the center needs more help to manage steady recycling streams.

The Bollinger County Recycling Center manager, Allen, directs a crew of volunteers on a recent work day at the center. Pictured (from left) are Frank Bridges, Roger Burr, Bill Teeters behind the can crusher, Allen, Mike Trehy and Lisa Santi.
The Bollinger County Recycling Center manager, Allen, directs a crew of volunteers on a recent work day at the center. Pictured (from left) are Frank Bridges, Roger Burr, Bill Teeters behind the can crusher, Allen, Mike Trehy and Lisa Santi. Courtesy of Paula Bridges

Volunteerism is "alive and thriving" at Bollinger County Recycling Center, according to Paula Bridges, chairman of Bollinger County Recycling Board of Directors.

However, the work load at the recycling center has become a "two-person job," Bridges said, and an additional worker is being sought.

"Not only has usage at the center become steady, but the items coming in from our recycling trailer have created an additional steady stream of recycling to the center," she said. "Volunteers continue to assist with sorting, baling and can crushing, but the additional worker would lighten the task of keeping things moving."

Volunteers gathered for a work day last month to take care of tasks that needed to be addressed at the center.

"Girls and guys showed up with hammers, crowbars, chainsaws, sawzalls and metal grinders," Bridges said.

She said areas needed to be opened up for easier forklift access and better can-crusher usage.

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"This month the pricing of recycled materials has increased, and we finally have a dry spell coming," Bridges said. "With the dry spell anticipated, we are looking to scheduling a trailer from our buyer. Volunteers assist with the loading of each trailer, which usually takes two to three hours. This trailer will clear the center of almost all of the items we have currently stored."

The recycling center will conduct an open election in August for two board positions. One of the positions is for secretary, and the other is simply for board member. Both positions are two-year terms.

"Joining the recycling board is another opportunity to volunteer," Bridges said.

The board meets once a month. Call Bridges at (573) 238-4612 for more information about service on the board.


  • Break down your cardboard boxes.
  • Remove all lids from plastic containers before recycling the clean containers.
  • Take all plastic grocery bags to Harps or Walmart, or wherever you got them.
  • No. 5 plastic containers should be thrown away at home. They cannot be recycled.
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