NewsJuly 1, 2024
United Women in Faith (UWF) held a retreat focusing on gratitude at Sedgewickville United Methodist Church. The event featured workshops on gratitude journaling, health benefits of thankfulness, and personal testimonies.
Sedgewickville UWF members attending the Retreat were (from left) Alice Crites, Pete Shrum, Michele Moon, Mandy Niswonger and Kay Yount Anita Hahs.
Sedgewickville UWF members attending the Retreat were (from left) Alice Crites, Pete Shrum, Michele Moon, Mandy Niswonger and Kay Yount Anita Hahs. Submitted by Alice Crites

United Women in Faith (UWF) is the new name chosen by the United Methodist Women as part of a refreshing of the organization that includes a new logo and an array of new programs to nurture current members and welcome new women to join to put their love in action on behalf of women, children and youth regardless of their religious affiliation.

All women of faith can find a local contact for the organization in their community by contacting their local United Methodist Church or on the Web site

Southeast District UWF hosted a Day Apart retreat Saturday, June 29, at Sedgewickville United Methodist Church attended by 59 women. The retreat, organized by Michele Moon (UWF Southeast District Spiritual Growth coordinator) focused on “Gratitude” based on the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.

Anita Hahs presentation “Yay, God” gave examples of how to teach children to be grateful, including setting a good example by remembering ways we ourselves need to show children we are grateful for all we have and for all those who help us at home, in our community and provide us with goods and services.

Mary Ann Robertson’s topic was "Count your Blessings: How Gratitude Improves Your Health". She reminded us to take care of ourselves and that taking time to breathe deeply and take time to really appreciate and notice what we do have will help keep our blood pressure down. She works with Safe House for Women and used some of the ways they help women who sometimes arrive with nothing but the clothes they are wearing when rescued from an unsafe environment to focus on our need to be grateful to God for all that we do have.

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Doris Dace topic, "Making a Gratitude Journal", included using all kinds of creative materials to personalize the journals each participant received. The idea of the journal is to take a little time each day to make a list of all the things grateful for. Another idea to add to the journal was to make a list of all the things to accomplish that day or what actually happened that day in order to feel grateful that God gave the ability and strength to accomplish more than sometimes realized.

Julie Combs told her personal story of almost dying after being hit by a vehicle while out walking with a friend. “How Can I Keep From Singing” focused on her recovery process and how prayer really does help. She felt that the Holy Spirit really touched her during her journey and made her remarkable progress possible.

The Rev. Ann Mowery closed out the day by focusing on the Greek word Eucharisteo, meaning "thanksgiving", to be thankful and concluded the day by celebrating with Holy Communion. In "One Thousand Gifts", Ann Voskamp says “This is the word that can change everything: Eucharisteo — it comes right out of the Gospel of Luke: 'And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them … ' (Luke 22:19 NIV)." She explains that the root word in Greek also means grace and Joy. Deep chara joy is found only at the table of the EuCHARisteo; the table of thanksgiving. The holy grail of joy, God set it in the very center of Christianity. The Eucharist is the central symbol of Christianity. One of Christ’s very last directives He offers to His disciples is to take the bread, the wine and to remember. Do this in remembrance of Me. Remember and give thanks. This is the crux of Christianity — to remember and give thanks because remembering with thanks is what causes us to trust; to really believe. Remembering, giving thanks, is what makes us a member again of the body of Christ. Remembering, giving thanks is what puts us back together again in this hurried, broken, fragmented world”.

For more information about what was shared at the retreat or more of the activities of Sedgewickville United Women of Faith, contact Alice Crites at (573) 803-9637.

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