NewsJuly 1, 2024
Stars and Stripes National Museum and Library awards $500 scholarships to four Southeast Missouri students for their insightful essays on media and war, recognizing their analytical skills and historical understanding.
Standard Democrat
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BLOOMFIELD, Mo. — The Stars and Stripes National Museum and Library recently announced the recipients of this year’s scholarships.

Out of over 40 applications, the Museum and Library awarded four $500 scholarships to the following Southeast Missouri students: Lydia O’Dell of Puxico; Natalie Collier of Malden; Madison Scallion of Lilbourn; and Lilly Johnson of Charleston.

Scallion’s essay is a meditation on the media in Vietnam. Although shorter than some other submissions, it comes to a more definite and interesting conclusion, showcasing her analytical skills and depth of understanding, according to a news release from the Museum and Library.

Collier’s reflection on the role of the media in the Vietnam War is particularly noteworthy. She skillfully relates the events of that time to contemporary interactions between the media and the military, providing a thoughtful and relevant perspective, the news release said.

O’Dell’s report on Vietnam is another excellent submission. She cites specific episodes of the war and arrives at a strong conclusion, reflecting thorough research and a solid grasp of historical context, according to the news release.

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Johnson tackled the topic of World War II patriotic propaganda. She chose an interesting subject and demonstrated good thinking on the topic, highlighting the complex relationship between government and press during wartime, the news release said.

“A big thank you to everyone who applied and to our community for making these scholarships possible. Your support helps us continue to invest in the future of our local students,” the Museum and Library said in a news release.

The Stars and Stripes National Museum and Library is committed to preserving the history of America’s military newspaper and fostering educational opportunities for young scholars.

“These scholarships are a testament to our dedication to supporting the academic pursuits of students in Southeast Missouri,” the Library and Museum said in a news release.

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