outdoorsMay 22, 2024
Aaron Horrell column (WHISPERS FROM NATURE)
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Courtesy of Aaron Horrell
Aaron Horrell
Aaron Horrell

I found this odd looking bug the morning of May 8. I can’t remember ever seeing a bug like this one. It is shiny lime green with pink legs. It was a little more than an inch long.

This insect is a leaf weevil. There are numerous different kinds of leaf weevils in the world. My research shows that most of them are native to Europe. I am not an entomologist, so I cannot say whether or not this leaf weevil is native to North America.

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Adult leaf weevils dine on plant leaves. This one was eating a blackberry leaf.

AARON HORRELL is owner of Painted Wren Art Gallery in Cape Girardeau. He is a Bollinger County native.

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