ReligionApril 17, 2024
Explore how Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Easter, profoundly impacts faith and daily life, as discussed in Larry L. Bollinger's reflective article.

Most mornings I spend some time at my desk. I check my calendar, maybe pay a bill or two, look at emails, read the Bible or do some writing. This morning I did a little reminiscing about the week leading up to Easter (commonly known as Holy Week). What a difference a few days can make! What a roller coaster ride: Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Maundy Thursday and Easter. Maybe you were able to attend some of these observances at a church of your choosing. Hoping all of you out there in Banner Press Land had a happy Easter. Yes, the calendar Easter date has come and gone for this year. The St. Louis Cardinals won their home opener, and we are now into April. Well, what do we do now? Maybe just sit back and relax until next year and then do the Holy Week ritual all over again. Maybe we need to search the scriptures for a little more detail! Yes, I feel that Jesus came out of that tomb. He spent some time here on earth and made his presence known. He is now risen and departed from us, but he did leave some instructions. In the upcoming weeks, I will be attending a Bible study focused on how those persons near and dear to Christ dealt with the situation. How did the disciples, Mary Magdalene, etc., handle the despair of losing Jesus? How did the resurrection change their lives? Do the scriptures give us any instructions for today? The study is entitled “Living the Resurrection.” If I glean some insight from the study, I will pass it on to you in another column. If your church or study group is finishing a study and looking for another subject, you may want to consider “Living the Resurrection” for your next topic. Some people do not know or believe that Christ arose. Maybe we as Christians have some work to do in the coming weeks and months in carrying out the Great Commission. What do you think? LARRY L. BOLLINGER is a former Patton resident now living in Ballwin.

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